Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Ain't no party like a Holy Ghost party..."

"...'cause a Holy Ghost party don't stop!"
The kids sing and dance to this song in praise time a few times a week, and every single time, it gets stuck in my head without fail!
(As a side note, I have rarely felt so white as I do watching all these kids dance, haha!)
Anyways, welcome to the recap of week three!
Last monday was an eclectic day. We had two different missions groups in last week, so monday morning I was told to help (ahem) walk one of them through a few things Boss-man wanted done around base, both tasks I'm afraid proved rather futile, as one will likely require a professional drywaller and the other involved trying to keep an alley from flooding, which, there's no real way to do. The girls I was working with were troopers abut it all, though! In the afternoon, I went over to Inwood, the second O.E. location, and trained with the lovely Marissa (one of my roommates) for front desk duties. It was a lot to take in, but it went decently well and it was good to learn more of the actual workings of O.E. 
Apparently, when a MTW group comes in, O.E. staff is invited to meet them for dinner on monday night at Malecon, the local dominican food hotspot, for some food and good conversation. So in holding with tradition, Emma and I went with a few of the girls from Inwood, and one thing leading to another, the next I knew we were on a train downtown for frozen yogurt with the Inwood crowd. Not your typical monday night, but much, much better!

Pinkberry + great people = fantastic!
Tuesday I worked very briefly on a donorbase, and then spent most of my morning/afternoon addressing envelopes before assuming front desk duties the last half of the day. At night I got the chance to do laundry for the first time since leaving home, and boy howdy, I'll tell you, I don't think I've ever been so excited for clean clothing!

"Laundry day, see you there..."
 If we're being honest, wednesday and thursday sort of blurred together for me. I finished up the envelope addressing project, and I worked on processing a few financial aid request forms, and I know there were other projects in there, but I can't think of them to save my life, nor did I apparently find them worthy of recording in anyway, not even in the daily short-hand recap. Tragic. To make things worse, I did nothing exciting or fun at night whatsoever. I meant to go to Bible Study wednesday night, sat down to check my email, and then woke up at 8:30. Oops!

Friday I kicked off the day at work by sorting through a few more financial aid request forms, and spent most of the afternoon battling with the Boss-man against the O.E. printers, which were once again, acting up. This timing was rather unfortunate as we had to print out and assemble almost 70 pages worth of material a person for thirteen people for the following morning's board meeting. Thankfully, it all worked out just fine in the end and everyone had everything they needed!
At night I met up with Marissa and two of her friends for dinner before heading off to see Whedon's "Much Ado," which was every bit as great as I had hoped it would be. Afterwords we headed to Times Square so I could see it all lit up, then hung out in one of the girl's hotel room before finally making it home to the Heights at, wait for it, 4 AM. I never saw myself as being out until 4 AM on a friday night, NYC or no, but the company made it beyond worth it!

Favorite Shakespeare play taken on by favorite writer/director? Deal.
Saturday was, in simplest form, low-key. I only managed to get about four and a half, five hours of sleep the previous night, what with the adventurings and all, so I rolled out of bed sometime mid-morning, took a shower and lazed around the apartment with the prospect of meeting Allison and Alexa at Coney Island on the forefront of agenda, something that due to Allison and Alexa already being downtown and Emma and I being unmotivated, fell through. We opted instead to take naps, and no joke, I was actually so excited to nap I almost couldn't. We regrouped after we'd woken, then headed up a few streets to the neighborhood Goodwill to find some art to jazz up our quarters a little bit. We headed back, dropped off our findings, then took the subway out to a, quite truthfully, disappointing Target. As sad as it was, it was still Target, and it still got the job done. We went back home and spent the evening quietly decorating and skyping. It was lovely!

Cute little art fair outside of Union Square Park
Sunday I woke up at 7:45 (gasp) so I could be ready and hop on the one train in time to make it to the morning service at the downtown campus of Redeemer PCA, which was, as you'd suspect, really, really good! I suppose I'll have to see how the mood strikes me this weekend, because I'd be quite happy to return to either Redeemer or CCF. What a good problem to have, huh?
After church let out I wandered the Union Square/Flatiron district neighborhoods, and had a grand old time, doing such frivolous things as randomly going into stores based on appearance and eating a crepe for lunch before eventually making my way up yet again to Times Square and hopping on a train back home, wherein I spent a lovely evening catching up with my family!

And that's a wrap on week three!
Thanks for checkin' in.
And your prayers?
I covet them.
I'll check in with you beautiful people again soon!

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