Thursday, August 1, 2013


Reflection on the summer at large. 
At least 3 other posts are still pending, so keep checking back!

 “I know the whole world is watching, and I wish the whole world could see what I see. Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are.” 
- the words of Mr. Felix Baumgartner shortly before free-falling from 24 miles in space faster then the speed of sound towards earth, 10/14/2012 (the Red Bull Stratos Project.)
Link to video here.

This summer's personal themes have undoubtedly been uncertainty, the known and the unknown, and trusting God. Y'all are going to get a post elaborating on that at some point in the next week, but these were the major undercurrents and stretching points in my summer. Heck, they were themes this spring when I felt the call to sign up late in the game for this whole adventure, and that was even before the continent changes. I felt, going into New York, like I was entering a freefall. All I truly knew was I had a call, and all details beyond that were unknown. While what I was going was not nearly to the status of the Red Bull Stratos project, it was not very hard to put myself in Mr. Baumgartner's shoes, standing at the edge of vast expanse with someone telling me patiently to disconnect the oxygen. To simply trust.
And with much coaxing and self doubt, God enabled me to jump.
Now, at the end of the summer, I still empathize with Fearless Felix. I do wish the whole world could see what I saw. And sometimes, you truly understand how small you are. New York, as it turns out, is great for that. I am just one fairly untalented, messed up, sinful person. I am as small as it gets.
 And while the idea of that may terrify some, it comforts me. Because the smaller and the weaker I am, the bigger, the stronger, the more powerful and mighty our God is.
And He holds us in His hand.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
Matthew 10:29-31 (ESV)

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