Friday, August 1, 2014

Towards the finish line.

 This summer has been...
-Generally kick-butt
-flat out crazy.
 And not at all conducive to blogging.
And that's okay. That's okay because I need time to sleep. And to have enough introvert time to not go postal (not that that necessarily stopped me.)
And now, it's all suddenly in the homestretch.
 Tomorrow morning heralds the final check-ins of the season.
This is madness.
So even though I've truly failed at keeping you wonderful people in the loop this summer, I thought I'd take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers and support thus far and to beg you to keep it up for one more week. The finish line is within sight, but we still have a lap to go. The need for endurance to finish strong and to stay healthy and energized is needed more than ever.
God is good.
All the time.

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