Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 'o the First

Meet Alanna, one of our adorable pre-k kids here at Inwood!
...and then, quite suddenly, it was July, and with it, the much spoke of, much anticipated Exodus Summer Achievement Program (SAP.)
 I started the week out by subbing for our lovely new receptionist, Hannah, at the Inwood site, as not only was her flight delayed, causing her to get in at 6 AM the morning of program, she was ill. That coupled with the fact that not only was it raining - it was pouring, this prohibiting us from walking the kids up to the local public school for lunch or to the park to get their wiggles out, should have made the day crazy chaotic. But it was amazingly calm! Tutors, coordinators and admin all commented on this at the end of the day, and in the end, we all had to chalk it up to God. We all crawled home after a twelve hour work day, grateful but exhausted.

The next day Hannah was feeling better, but being that she was indeed, new, and there was and (and still is) a truly daunting amount of thing to be caught up on, I was told to spend the rest of the week at Inwood helping her catch up. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in much the same manner that monday was, although thankfully we had better weather for both! By 8:30 wedneday night I was the only one awake in the apartment, everyone was so beat from SAP. I simply couldn't bring myself to go to bed before 9 the day before a holiday so I kept myself entertained by baking and catching up with my sister. Relaxation squared!

While I couldn't make myself go to bed early the night before the fourth, I had no problems sleeping in the day of! I then spent the better chunk of the afternoon aimlessly wandering up and down piers on the Hudson as they all successively closed, before staking out a spot for Emma and I to watch the fireworks on 12 Ave. I still can't mentally comprehend the fact that I saw the Macy's fireworks. Weird business, man.

Friday, every single person at Exodus had holiday hangover. Most of the kids were tired, sunburned and cranky, and the staff was loopy from lack of sleep. The day dragged, but once you've hit that mental stage in your tiredness where everything is hilarious, life looks pretty darn good! After work, I went down to Riverside Park and caught the Hudson Warehouse's production of "King Lear." Not the Shakespeare in the park, but still great!

Go to New York, get cultured?
Saturday morning I laid in bed and did nothing productive at all, showered, and then took the subway down to Battery Park. I wandered around a little bit then caught a ferry for Liberty Island, which, while I didn't have tickets for the Statue of Liberty itself, was SO cool! By the time I got back to Manhattan, it was maybe 5 in the afternoon, so I visited the well-famed Department 21 (where one can truly notice how big "Downton Abbey's" influence on fashion has been,) and Bowling Green before heading up the Herald Square and conquering the terrifyingly large Macy's, as I tragically needed new sandals. I always end up in Herald or Times Square, man.

Carmen Sandiego was kind enough to leave Lady Liberty alone long enough for me to see it.
 Sunday I went to church (it was folk band sunday!) and then went to the Museum of Modern Art, which, oh my gosh, people, is the best museum of all time. I know I said something to that extent about the Cloisters, but I lied. MoMA is the best. By far.

Oh, hello "Starry Night." Nice to finally meet you!

In summary: the week of the first was almost ridiculously busy, but in a pleasant way.
Recap on last week coming soon-ish, if we're lucky!

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